Lavender Heart

Strolling by the edge of Lavender Beds you saw a little hut tucked behind a
vast field of pink and purple. It's the season of lilacs and hydrangeas, and the tiny petals weren't shy after the soft drizzle. The thin fog had cast a whimsical gleam unto the view, filtering a tad of the morning sun. As the cold breeze embraced, you caught a hint of a toasty scent accompanying soft chuckles.
You gazed over the flower field and saw a party of two beckoning to you.
Ah - you thought to yourself - I am home.

Wols of Zazaa:

Zinx Arxhintha

Dunesfolk Lalafellin | ♀ (she/her) | 28 summers old | Married
20th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon | Guarded by Menphina
Address: Elemental (Tonberry) - Empyreum - Ward 8 Plot 33

  • Shy and reserved, Zinx is a lady of very few words. Until she warms up to you, at least.

  • Runs a flower farm (and somewhat botany) in the Lavender Beds, and a flower shop in the Empyreum.

  • Favourite season is spring, but she believes that every season brings opportunities for different flowers to bloom!

  • She treated everyone with a comfortable amount of courtesy but it takes her very long to open up. But if you got the key to her heart, you are and will be treated like one of her precious treasures.

  • Once she has opened up to you, you'll find out that she is quite smug and will sometimes demand affection, but not in an unbearable way.

  • She is very protective of her found family, and however if you have wronged any of them, she will not hesitate to put up a good fight.

  • Is happily married to a lalafell-prince of her dream, but that's the story for another day /)(\

Valerian Arxhintha

Wildwood Elezen | ♂️ (he/him/himbo?) | 23 summers old | Blissfully in love
20th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon (adopted) | Guarded by Nophica

  • A very VERY naive boy - run away from home after finding out that he's not an overgrown lalafell kind-of-naive.

  • Head empty most of the time. Too pure and too gullible, he will believe in everything you told him! Has the purest, softest heart but why is he strong of strength and aether ????

  • A wandering mage who will send selfie-postcards back home to his big sis Zinx just so she knows that he's doing alright (even though he run away from home). Though through the process of acquiring beautiful photos, he always finds himself in the weirdest of places (most of the time dangerous) and that leads to him always injuring himself, if not passing out from attacks.

  • Himbo aside, he would be academically smart (if he has time to think) and would gain a scholar title if he didn't always get tricked (?) into black-magery.

  • Always yearning to learn more, he realised that the world is so vast in knowledge that it has then become the sole reason for his travel (runaway), and after reconciling with his sister, he promised that he will come home before embarking to his next journey.

  • He has a filter through his eyes that the world is a beautiful place, and so is every person he met (so he stupidly believes in anything).

  • Fell deeply in love with a beautiful warrior who saved him from his demise. While openly showing his affection to his hero, Valerian slowly finds out that in a deep dark corner of his heart he wishes to keep his beloved only to himself and no one else...

Zekyll Morningstar

Veena Viera | ♂️ Ω (he/him/they) | Tsundere Annoyed I won't say I'm in love
4th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon (adopted) | Guarded by Rhalgr | Age unsure

  • HE ANGY (that one angry bunny in a container) AND WILL FIGHT YOU.

  • Leaving the Greatwood at a young age, he has been through quite some horrifying things being the "rare, male viera". His bent ears and pale skin were due to being kept in a capture cage; he hasn't told a soul yet, but narrow spaces and silent nights haunt him even till now.

  • He managed to escape the imprisonment by succumbing to the voidsent, of course no longer trusting anyone else thereafter.

  • He has then been alone, trying not to mingle as much until the calling of becoming the warrior of light. Having trouble expressing himself while also having a very short temper, often his foul mouth gets him into many preventable fights.

  • "Adopted" by Valerian and starts travelling together after Zekyll saved him from... falling off the cliff into the mouth of a deadly S-rank monster. They somehow grew closer after hanging out, but he is too tsundere to admit his fondness. Vale is the first person who didn't back off after his hurtful behaviour and still decides to trust him fully, and that warms up a tiny part of his heart.

  • Will he ever admit that he wants to feel belonged?